Office Cleaning 101: Five Tricks of the Trade

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First impressions matter to a business. Whether you host client meetings or welcome job seekers for an in-office interview, the cleanliness of your space will leave an impression. Office cleaning is not just about looking nice; it’s also about presenting professionalism and caring for the health and morale of your team.

Office Cleaning 101: Five Tricks of the Trade

Here are five tricks of the trade to keep your office tidy, healthy, and clean:

  1. Keep to a schedule – Office cleaning is an easy task when done frequently, but it becomes a burden when neglected. Implementing a daily or weekly schedule of light cleaning around the office is an easy way to keep your space orderly in between deep cleans.
  2. Focus on foot traffic – Simply cleaning around the busier areas of your office each day or every week will make a big difference in the overall look of your space. Wiping down counters and vacuuming busy pathways every day are quick and easy ways to keep your office clean.
  3. Declutter once a quarter – Setting routine times to have your team declutter prevents the task from building up. The time frame is not a hard and fast rule, but since many businesses operate on a quarterly routine, cleaning out for a fresh start to each quarter can help encourage workspace organization.
  4. Go green – We don’t just mean using natural cleaning products, although we do encourage it. We also mean utilizing greenery around the office to promote a healthy workspace. Indoor plants can improve the air quality of a space, so your team will benefit from a more natural aesthetic and cleaner air.
  5. Rely on a professional cleaning team – Hiring a professional cleaning team is well worth the investment. By doing a little tidying here and there and leaving your office cleaning to a trusted team, you’ll easily keep your workspace spic and span.